3 Ways to Make Your Business Premises More Environmentally-Friendly

In today’s world, businesses have more responsibility to think about the impact they have on the environment. Reducing the amount of energy that you use and investing in renewable technology are both great ways to keep your carbon footprint to a minimum, as well as making you feel better as a company.

Here are 3 ways to make your business premises more environmentally-friendly.

Install a biomass boiler

Biomass boilers have become extremely popular with both workplaces and individuals across the globe. They use sustainable fuels like wood chips and pellets, which can effectively heat the building without the damaging emissions associated with other types of fuels. There are many benefits to having a biomass boiler, from significantly reducing your carbon footprint to much lower energy bills. If you haven’t already, you should definitely think about getting a biomass boiler installed in your property.

Take advantage of combined heat and power systems

Like biomass boilers, combined heat and power systems use a more sustainable choice of material to power their systems. They burn natural gas or biogas to produce energy, which is a lot less harmful to the environment. Another great thing is that 80% of the energy that is put in the systems is turned into heat or electrical power, meaning that any waste is kept to an absolute minimum. For those who still aren’t convinced, you should also know that having a combined heat and power system can cut the cost of your bills; a huge benefit for any business.

Invest in alternative energy

There are many alternative forms of energy out there that have less impact on the environment than petrol and oils. These include wind and solar energy, both of which can produce naturally sourced energy for your home and business premises. If you have the space to do so, you should definitely consider investing in solar panels or even a wind farm. These will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also bring a bring a return on investment when it comes to your energy bill savings.

Kimpton Ltd are able to design and install a renewable system to suit your needs, whether you think it’s time for a combined heat and power system or solar panels at your property. If you have any questions, please don’t be afraid to ask! To get in touch, you can call 0151 343 1963 or fill out the enquiry form on our website.

Creating the
sustainable building
environments of tomorrow

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    Creating the
    sustainable building
    environments of tomorrow