Training and Development Policy for Staff
At Kimpton Ltd. we understand that our most valuable resource are our staff. Without well trained and motivated team members we will not succeed in living our values (FIT) and delivering our purpose to ‘Create the Sustainable Building Environments of Tomorrow’.
We will ensure that all team members at every level of the business are familiar with training opportunities that exist within the Company, not only to comply with minimum statutory requirements, but also to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.
We are committed to the training and development of our entire team so that they will gain the necessary skills to reach their full potential. This will support the organisation in achieving our aims and objectives by providing a well-trained, happy team, achieving the highest standards, supported by the company.
By improving the skills and knowledge of our staff, we will help shape and develop confident, highly skilled individuals, who work seamlessly as an effective and efficient team.
The individual training and development proposals will be identified through:
The training and development needs identified will be met through a variety of activities, depending on what is agreed together.
Health and safety training will be assessed and monitored regularly across the whole team.
Detailed records of training will be maintained. This information will be used to assess and improve the training process.
Employees are responsible for their own development and, as such, may inform the organisation of their development needs and take part in prescribed development activities.
As part of our continual drive for improvement, employees will also be asked to provide feedback on the value and effectiveness of the training and development they receive.
Signed Director:
Dated: 3rd January 2023
If you would like to discuss any of our services, please call 0151 343 1963 or complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.