Changing and cleaning HVAC Air Filters during Covid-19

In our previous post, we shared the detailed checklist for an entire HVAC system when you are preparing to reopen your office or business after a long shutdown.

One of the key elements to the checklist was to change filters throughout the system to ensure they were safe, clean and not harbouring bacteria that will have built up during the prolonged Corona Virus lockdown. So, we have created another checklist for what you need to do, in order to change these filters, throughout your HVAC system.

1. PPE

The first of these is the PPE you need to wear to complete the task.

As a minimum, the following PPE should be worn whilst handling used air filters.

  • Disposable Gloves
  • FFP2 Face Mask
  • Goggles

2. Cross-contamination

If handled incorrectly, there is a risk of cross-contamination (other filters within the system being contaminated) so you need to give consideration to the type of system and operation.

  • Is the room under any positive or negative pressure due to other ventilation systems that may allow the transfer of foul air to travel to the work area or allow the transfer of foul air to travel un-filtered to another space, If so isolate other ventilation systems.
  • Don’t allow air to be drawn through the system whilst filters are not in place.

3. Handling Disposable Filters

When the contaminated filters are removed, there’s also a process to follow for handling them and then how to dispose of them safely. You must also wash your hands with hot soapy water for 20 seconds before and after you complete this task.

  • Handle the used filters by the frame.
  • Try not to disturb particle matter on filter media.
  • Bag filters immediately once removed and tie bag before removing from the area.
  • If possible leave the bagged filters in a safe area as close to equipment as possible for 72 hours before removal from site.
  • Dispose of used filters at a licensed approved Waste Centre.
  • Never handle new filters with gloves used to remove used filters.

4. Handling Washable Filters

The process for washable filters is slightly different.

  • Handle the used filters by the frame.
  • Try not to disturb particle matter on filter media.
  • Bag filters immediately once removed and tie bag before removing from area.
  • Wash filters in warm soapy water for a minimum of 20 sec.
  • Filters must be dry before replacement.

5. Personal Hygiene

Throughout the process, personal hygiene is critical.

  • Regularly wash hands throughout the day as per Government Guidance.
  • Wash hands before every break and replace disposable gloves.
  • Wash hands before leaving site as per Government Guidance.
  • Bag all used PPE and dispose of in the same way as the used filters.


The Kimpton team are on hand to help with any or all of the above. Please ring the Kimpton Maintenance team on 0151 343 1963 or email to

For the latest Government advice on Covid-19, please click here.

Changing filters in an HVAC system during covid-19

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