
We have been appointed as suppliers to a number of significant frameworks for mechanical and electrical services across the north west and beyond.

Kimpton have been successfully appointed as suppliers to a number of significant frameworks for mechanical and electrical work across the north west and beyond.

A ‘framework agreement’ is ‘an agreement that allows a buying group or authority to establish terms with contractors to work to an agreed price and standard over an agreed period.

The thinking behind a framework agreement for the contracting organisation is that it will save them ongoing time and paperwork as those who are selected and on the agreed list have been pre-approved to deliver work at that price and to an agreed standard. For a contractor like Kimpton, we have found over many years that it can help build long term relationships with a client, knowing the often thorny issue of price is already agreed. This allows us to focus on getting the job done and delivering great service.

We are currently members of quite a number of framework agreements, with some of the larger ones as follows:

1. Rise Construction Framework

Rise construction FrameworkRise is the UK’s only pro-social construction framework with a proven track record of supporting deprived communities through procurement. We are pre-approved for M&E work from £0-50k and £50k to £3m in value. Click here for info.




2. NHS SBS Hard FM Framework

MHS SBS Approved framework supplierThe NHS Shared Business Services (SBS) Framework manages the spend of over £1bn annually across sectors as diverse as electric car charging to staff travel arrangements. The Hard FM Framework covers many types of maintenance services for estates & facilities in almost every NHS organisation. Click here for more info.



3. Fusion 21

Kimpton Fusion 21 Supplier for North WestFusion21 serves a group of over 500 members across public and social sectors to deliver efficiency savings on the procurement of goods and services for property, construction and the built environment. We have been appointed to both the Hard FM Framework and the Heating & Renewables Framework. Click here for more info.




Kimpton NWUPC North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium CertificationThe North Western Universities Purchasing Consortium Ltd (NWUPC) is a not for profit organisation owned by its members that is made up of 24 Universities within the North West Region. They use their collective buying power to drive consistent price and service levels and establish long term arrangements with suppliers. We are approved for Gas repair and maintenance across the region for both Non Domestic Equipment lower than 500kw and also for Non Domestic Equipment greater than 500kw. Click here for more info.


5. Procure Plus

Procure Plus logo With Procure Plus, we are approves suppliers in three different sectors, covering Commercial Heating, Green Walls & Roofs (Living Walls) and Turnkey projects. This is a broad spectrum of work but very much plays to our strength with our experience in each of these sectors. Click here for more info.




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sustainable building
environments of tomorrow

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    Creating the
    sustainable building
    environments of tomorrow