Solar PV for business makes perfect business sense

We have just completed a solar PV project for Northern Trust that demonstrates one of the most cost effective ways that any business can make in their steps towards decarbonisation whilst saving huge amounts of cash, for many years to come.

You can read the full case study here of the Genesis Centre in Stoke on Trent.

Or if you don’t have time, watch this one minute video which summarises the expenditure and the ROI it will achieve.

If you are thinking about steps towards decarbonisation, then firstly read this simple step by step guide here.

And then get in touch with the Kimpton Decarbonisation team for sensible, unbiased advice.

Solar PV for business, delivers exceptional returns and an ROI, in this case, of 533%.

Payback on Solar PV

Solar PV already made good business sense. The rising price of energy means that for any business it’s hard to find a reason NOT to install Solar PV. We are seeing paybacks of between 2.4 and 3.5 years.

What is often glossed over however, is the overall return and the number of years it continues to pay back. It’s the business gift that keeps on giving. This example below shows that for an outlay of around £120k, the overall PROFIT from the system is £991,010 based on 20 years usable life.

Three things here.

  1. That’s a huge ongoing saving for many years after the system is paid for.
  2. There’s no reason the system won’t keep on delivering for many years beyond, the 20 years we show. Even 25 years would add an additional £250k
  3. Taking this big a chunk out of your business overheads for the next 20 years or more will make it far, far easier to ensure your own business remains profitable.

Payback on commercial Solar PV is 2.4 years with Kimpton

Business Decarbonisation 

Solar PV is just one part of an overall business decarbonisation strategy. if you’d like to read our more detailed step by step approach, then please click here to read more. We’ve written it in plain English to cut through all (or at least most) of the industry jargon.

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environments of tomorrow

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If you would like to discuss any of our services, please call 0151 343 1963 or complete the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

    Creating the
    sustainable building
    environments of tomorrow