Case Studies

Tower Hotel London Riser replacement

Tower Hotel London Riser replacement

Client: Greater London Hospitality
Location: Tower Hotel
Project: Hotel Risers replacement
Project Manager: Paul Cooper
Project Value: £450k


The project entailed the replacement of the heating and chilled water mains flow and return pipework within the four main risers at the Tower Hotel in London. In addition, we replaced and upgraded the controls valve, touchscreen display and associated wiring to bring it all up to the latest standards.

Project Description

The team already knew the site, having completed the boiler replacement and upgrade last year, but this project added a new level of complexity and challenge, in that it was again a live site, but we were working within the guest areas on a sectional completion basis.

The riser system within the building had main service risers between two bedrooms and reaching upwards across eight or nine floors. When you took one room offline to access and replace the riser, it actually meant taking 16-18 rooms offline at once.

Time was therefore critical and we worked to a very strict programme to minimise downtime on the rooms and disruption to the hotel and its guests.

To access the risers, we had to work within a very confined space, within a cupboard, behind the bathroom access panel. Each riser served the two bedrooms in the ‘stack’ across all of the floors.

The previous pipework was mild steel and as we are seeing quite regularly now, this was at the end of its life and needed replacement. With the replacement completed, the pipes were fully insulated to minimise heat loss (and gain) and improve efficiency in operation.


Paul Cooper, the Project Manager who oversaw both this project and the original boiler room replacement was pleased with how the project went.

“It was a project that on the surface looked quite simple, but in reality was a challenge. I was very pleased with the way the team delivered the job. The final handover of the job was on the exact day agreed at the start of the contract.

We have so much experience in leisure and hospitality that I’m proud to say it’s becoming second nature, taking on these tricky jobs, in live environments and delivering them on time and budget.”

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